Developed through Sparring
Morris Martial Arts School offers various classes that train different aspects of Martial Arts. From Forms to Weapons Training classes this brings variety to martial arts, in doing so allows each individual the total martial arts experience.
Morris Martial Arts School offers various classes that train different aspects of Martial Arts.
From Forms to Weapons Training classes this brings variety to martial arts, in doing so allows each individual the total martial arts experience.
Olympic Sparring
Olympic sparring for yellow belt and up should only be practiced under master or instructor’s supervision and with the proper safety equipment. It combines attack and defense movements developed through forms and fundamental exercises and allows the student to defend themselves against one or more attackers if the situation calls for it.
Stamina, confidence, and courage are among the many things that will be developed through sparring. It will also allow you to control your emotions better, thus enabling you to stay calm and relaxed in any circumstances.